weed and the teen brain
We are Unfazed
Unfazed is your source for accurate information about the risk of using marijuana as a teen.
Weed 101
What is weed, and what is THC?
Weed, also known as cannabis, marijuana, pot, or kush, is a mind-altering (psychoactive) substance that comes from a plant. It usually looks like a dried green flower that has been ground up. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive compound in weed. It creates the high sensation and has been shown to affect brain development in teens.
Does weed harm you?
The science shows that using weed before the age of 25 puts your brain development at risk.
So what are the risks?
The brain doesn’t stop developing until age 25. Any use of weed, whether it is a blunt, joint, edible, or vape, can harm the brain’s development and lead to difficulties with memory, attention, learning, and managing emotions.
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Weed and the Teen Brain
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